GREATER production, to be precise!
St. Cloud is at the juncture of high-tech innovation and historical business excellence, offering businesses the opportunity to excel in precision manufacturing. Cutting-edge practices in machine-to-machine, machine-to-operator, automation, additive, and subtractive technologies, keep local businesses at the forefront of their industrial sectors.
Building on the strengths of an existing labor force of approximately 30,000 production, construction, and installation workers, St. Cloud manufacturers collaborate with educational programs in area high school and post-secondary options, to keep the talent pipeline for future success.
Business Assistance Toolkit
Leading Precision Manufacturing Employers in the St. Cloud MSA
Talent Access
As one of Minnesota’s fastest-growing metropolitan areas, St. Cloud has the talent and resources businesses need to innovate, expand, and thrive in a rapidly changing technology economy. St. Cloud Technical & Community College and St. Cloud State University offer technician programs in manufacturing and engineering, electrical engineering, material science, statistical process control, FANUC robotics, and more.
Business Leader Highlight
Park Industries, a local stonecutting manufacturer, participated in the innovative SCSU Huskies Invent program. The 48-hour “problem-to-prototype” event brings real-world challenges from local companies to a cross-functional team of students, for a weekend of innovation in ISELF.